We believe your business is no one else’s. Your privacy is important to you and to us. So we’ll protect the information you share with us. To protect your privacy, we follow different principles in accordance with worldwide practices for customer privacy and data protection.

  • We won’t sell or give away your name, mail address, phone number, email address or any other information to anyone.
  • We’ll use state-of-the-art security measures to protect your information from unauthorised users.


We will ask you when we need information that personally identifies you (personal information) or allows us to contact you. Generally, this information is requested when you create a Registration ID on the site or when you download free whitepaper, order email newsletters or join a limited-access premium site. We use your Personal Information for four primary purposes:

  • To make the site easier for you to use by not having to enter information more than once.
  • To help you quickly find services or information.
  • To help us create content most relevant to you.
  • To alert you to special offers, updated information and other new services from us.


If you choose not to register or provide personal information, you can still use most of the website. But you will not be able to access areas that require registration. If you do not want us to communicate with you about offers regarding our programs and services, please unsubscribe by opting out of receiveing our marketing messages.


We will provide you with the means to ensure that your personal information is correct and current. You may review and update this information at any time. There, you can:

  • View and edit personal information you have already given us.
  • Tell us whether you want us to send you marketing information, or whether you want third parties to send you their offers by postal mail.
  • Sign up for electronic newsletters about our services and products.
  • Once you register, you won’t need to do it again. Wherever you go on the website, your information stays with you.


We have taken strong measures to protect the security of your personal information and to ensure that your choices for its intended use are honoured. We take strong precautions to protect your data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction. We strictly protects the security of your personal information and honours your choices for its intended use. We carefully protect your data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Your personal information is never shared outside the company without your permission, except under conditions explained above. Inside the company, data is stored in password-controlled servers with limited access. Your information may be stored and processed in United Kingdom or any other country where CAARRS ,its owners, its subsidiaries, affiliates or agents are located. You also have a significant role in protecting your information. No one can see or edit your personal information without knowing your user name and password, so do not share these with others.


If for some reason you believe we has not adhered to these principles, please notify us by filling our contact form , and we will do our best to determine and correct the problem promptly. Be certain the words Privacy Policy are in the Subject line.


As mentioned above, every registered customer has a unique personal profile. Each profile is assigned a unique personal identification number, which helps us ensure that only you can access your profile.

When you register, we create your profile, assign a personal identification number, then send this personal identification number back to your hard drive in the form of a cookie, which is a very small bit of code. This code is uniquely yours. It is your passport to seamless travel across the website, allowing you to download free whitepaper, order free newsletters, and visit premium sites without having to fill out registration forms with information you’ve already provided. Even if you switch computers, you won’t have to re-register – just use your Registration ID to identify yourself.


When you join us, you provide us with your contact information, including your name and email address. We use this information to send you updates about your articles, questionnaires to measure your satisfaction with our service and announcements about new and exciting services that we offer. We occasionally hire other companies to provide limited services on our behalf, including mailing and delivering books, answering customer questions about our services, sending postal mail and processing event registration. We will only provide those companies the information they need to deliver the service, and they are prohibited from using that information for any other purpose.

We will disclose your personal information, without notice, only if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:

  • Conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on CAARRS or the site;
  • Protect and defend the rights or property of CAARRS  and its family of Websites, and,
  • Act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of CAARRS, its Websites, or the public.


This sets forth our policy with regard to the use of “Spam” marketing techniques in connection with Internet Marketing. In the event that we deem you to be in violation of these policies, we shall immediately revoke your membership rights and close any active account.

We have a strict policy against spamming. We forbid the sending of unsolicited mass Emails or unsolicited Emails of any kind in connection with the marketing of our programs, products and services.

We reserve the right to terminate your account and participation in our programs “for cause” if we deem you to be in violation of our anti-spamming policies.

We also reserve the right to suspend your account and participation pending review upon receipt of any complaint or other evidence that you may be engaging in any spamming activity.

We consider spamming to be any activity whereby you directly or indirectly transmit email messages to any email address that has not solicited such email and does not consent to such transmission. We also consider spamming to constitute posting advertisements in newsgroups in violation of the terms of participation in such newsgroup, that are off topic, or in newsgroups that do not specifically permit advertisements. We also consider it spamming when advertisements are placed on message boards or in chat rooms when they are not permitted by the terms of participation in such message boards and chat rooms.

If you are “spammed” by anyone regarding our products, services, website, or any other matters, please report this activity by contacting us through our contact us page.


When using the Websites and registering for a newsletter or requesting more information, we will  often ask you to first complete the registration form. During registration you are required to give contact information (such as first and last name, email address, etc.). We use this information to contact you about the services we offer in which you have expressed interest. We obtain all necessary permissions before doing this in compliance with regulations.

We collects information through a variety of different ways and for different purposes. If you choose to register on our Websites, then you will be requested to provide contact information (name, address, telephone number, email address, a unique login name, and password). We use this information to contact you about the services on our site in which you have expressed interest. We may also use your contact information to send you information about other products and services as well as promotional material that may be of interest to you from some of our marketing partners. If you do not want to receive these promotional announcements, you may opt-out when you provide us with contact information or at any time after you register by unsubscribing.

You have the option to provide additional information (such as industry, geographic location, areas of interest, etc.) to us; we encourage you to submit this information so we can provide you a more personalised experience on our Websites and in any responsive materials. We may also use this information as described elsewhere in this Privacy Policy.

We are the sole owner of the information collected on the Websites and we collects personal information from our users at several different points on our Websites.

Personal information in this context is identifying information about an individual (such as a name, title, company name, address, email address and phone number), as well as any other information which relates to an identified or identifiable individual. Additional or missing public information – such as your company location and industry, etc. – may be appended with the aid of third-party sources (for example third party event and seminars) for sales and marketing purposes and as described in this Privacy Policy.

We may also collect IP addresses and/or domain names (where applicable) of visitors to the Websites, the email addresses of those who communicate with us via email and information volunteered by the user, such as survey information and/or Website registrations. We may use this information to help diagnose problems and to administer the Websites.

Access to certain web pages are accessible only by login a member only pages. Information that a user provides to us within the member’s only pages may be used for permission purposes, tracking information on how often users access their account and which documents they view to give feedback on the effectiveness of its content.


Our Websites may contains links to other sites owned and maintained by businesses other than us. Those companies’ privacy practices may differ from this document. If you submit personal information to any of those sites, your information is governed by their privacy policies. We shall not be responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. Users should check the applicable privacy policy of such linked websites.

Our Websites include social media features, such as the Facebook Like, login button. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our Websites, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our Websites. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it.


The information we collects may be used to:

  • provide, maintain, protect and personalise our services;
  • improve the content of the Websites;
  • customize the content and/or layout of the Websites’ pages for each individual user;
  • notify users about updates to the Website(s);
  • respond to requests for information;
  • send newsletters;
  • contact you with marketing and offers relating to products and services offered by us (unless you have opted out of marketing);
  • personalise the marketing messages we send you;
  • Shared with trusted vendors that partner with us to deliver technology and support services in which you express interest. Where required by local law, we will obtain your consent before doing this;
  • deal with your enquiries and requests;
  • cooperate with regulators and law enforcement bodies;
  • communicate with you regarding your account or changes to our policies, terms and conditions;
  • resolve complaints, as well as handle requests for data access or correction;
  • protect your, our or others’ rights and interests; or
  • as otherwise specified in this Privacy Policy.